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Art Painting Empowered People With Mental Health

In collaboration with the Hong Kong Decoration & Engineering Association, Success Base Love Fund has successfully conducted a series of two mural wall painting workshops for Richmond Fellowship of Hong Kong, a local charity organization. These workshops aimed at teaching a group of individuals in mental recovery to create murals and embellish their dormitory in Yuen Long.

Throughout the activity, our volunteers continuously motivated the participants to express themselves through the power of art and unleash their creative potential. One of our volunteers, with over 50 years of experience in the decoration and maintenance sector, expressed that this campaign had brought him the most fulfilling experience he has ever had. Most participants were delighted to transform their inner feelings into vibrant artworks, while others were happy to share their unique perspectives on art creation.

According to the Advisory Committee on Mental Health, one in seven individuals in Hong Kong is currently facing mental health challenges. As it is often said, "Prevention is better than cure," it is essential for us to demonstrate abundant love and care to those around us and help them seek appropriate mental health support if needed.

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