Resources are scarce for many social enterprises, lacking hands-on business experience poses difficulties at operation stage. Sharing from experienced and passionate corporations could provide pieces of advice on business strategies and management, which could help social enterprises to set up their own long-term development goals.
Success Base Engineering Limited participated in the SEED Program organised by the Hong Kong Productivity Council and organised 4 events with the Hong Kong Youth Talent Institute, Evangelical Lutheran Church Social Service – Hong Kong. Events included: 1) assisting the social enterprise in positioning future business development, 2) sharing on useful marketing promotional experience, 3) developing new enterprise workshop, and 4) expanding customer network through different commercial platforms.
Our representatives organised regular meetings with Evangelical Lutheran Church Social Service and provided constructive comments at all stages. Advice would be offered base on their difficulties, and relative solutions were provided at the same time. Focusing on sustainable business development, nurturing and innovating talents to acquire business management wisdom for social enterprises are the key takeaways from Success-Base.
We helped the Institute to draw up the most suitable and practical development directions, making use of social media platforms as the latest way of promotion to attract the younger generations to participate events to foster the growth of the social enterprise.